Ozone Therapy
Ozone therapy triggers cellular reactions that activate healing, enhance endurance, fight inflammation, and boost the immune system. Ozone Therapy works by adding a 3rd oxygen molecule to your system and can be delivered intravenously, or via insufflation (air surrounding infection or disturbance). There are massive benefits to Ozone Therapy.

The 3rd oxygen molecule is positively charged and acts as a net to toxins in your body. Ozone Therapy helps in the production of antioxidants which inactivates free radicals reducing the oxidative stress caused by them. Ozone therapy is antiviral, antibacterial, anti parasitic, and anti fungal making the absolute gold standard in addressing chronic illness and boosting overall health. Reducing this oxidative stress helps keep you young and vibrant, by slowing down the aging process at the cellular level. Additionally, the improvement in metabolism and athletic performance is only icing on the cake.
History of Ozone
Ozone therapy has been utilized and extensively studied for many decades altogether. Its effects are proven, consistent and with minimal side effects. Medical O3, used to disinfect and treat disease, has been around for over 150 years. Used to treat infections, wounds and multiple diseases, O3's effectiveness has been well-documented. It has been used to disinfect drinking water before the turn of the last century. Ozone was known to treat as many as 114 diseases. Ozone therapy has been in use since the 1800s and in 1896 the genius Nikola Tesla patented the first O3 generator in the US, later forming the “Tesla Ozone Company.” During the first world war (1914-18) doctors familiar with O3's antibacterial properties, and with few other medical resources available to them applied it topically to infected wounds and discovered O3 not only remedied infection, but also had hemodynamic and anti-inflammatory properties. Since the massive benefits of Ozone Therapy have expanded and it’s now the Gold Standard in Europe for addressing chronic conditions.
Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI)
Ultraviolet blood irradiation (UBI) was used with success in the 1930s and 1940s for a variety of diseases including septicemia, pneumonia, tuberculosis, arthritis, asthma, and even poliomyelitis. UBI exposes the blood to UV light to amplify the immune system response and kill viruses. The ways UBI works on the immune system have been well established.
UBI can be added to your IV Ozone Therapy.
Benefits of Ozone
The introduction of the 3rd oxygenation molecule help to efficiently oxygenate your blood stream.
As long as your doing the 3 p’s of detoxification (peeing, poopiing, nd perspiring) your efficiently detoxifying what ozone has “grabbed” onto in your system. Consistent oxygen ozone treatments have been shown to increase metabolism and improve overall health, enabling your body to fight back against the adverse effects of environmental toxins.
Activates immune cells, as well as cytokine production. This activation aids in the destruction of various microorganisms, fungi, viruses, and bacteria.
Increases antioxidants within cells to fight oxidative stress.
When a person suffers a stroke, their brain is deprived of oxygen. The best course of action to minimize brain damage is to restore oxygen as swiftly as possible. A study in 2012 found that the mixture of oxygen and ozone gases supplied to brain tissue not only prevents further damage but also can help the brain revert to its original state.
Over time, bacteria have adapted to resist antibiotics. However, numerous studies have found that ozone contains a potent layer of infection control properties that can improve some acute fungal, viral, and bacterial infections in as little as 48 hours.
Your stem cells constantly work to produce cells of vital organs throughout your body. Oxygen ozone therapy can improve your stem cells’ ability to reactivate and quickly repair any damaged cells.
Oxygen ozone therapy can increase oxygen levels within your blood, thereby benefiting musculoskeletal conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, and bursitis, among others.
Your skin cells need oxygen, which oxygen-ozone therapy readily provides. The increased oxygenation helps cells recover and repair. Oxygen ozone’s additional antioxidant properties can also increase collagen and elastin activity, which can lead to improved and rejuvenated skin.